Access Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)



Canvas is a learning management system (LMS), which is used by faculty and students in fully on-line classes as well as for supplemental materials in face-to-face or hybrid classes. It may contain assignments, readings, course content, grades, and access to publisher websites.  

Steps to Access Canvas

Student Access to Canvas

To log on to Canvas:

  • Go to
  • Click on myMCC from the top of the page.
  • Click on Canvas
  • Click Canvas Login
  • In the first box type your email address (Your email address is your NetID followed by  example:
  • In the second box type your password.

If you have not claimed your NetID go to

To view all your courses in Canvas:

  • Click on Courses from the menu on the left side of the page
  • Click on All Courses

You will see courses that you have taken at MCC since Fall of 2017.  You will also be able to see if the course is published.

Only current semester published courses will appear on the dashboard.


Faculty/Staff Access to Canvas

To log on to Canvas:

  • Go to
  • Click on myMCC from the top of the page.
  • Click on Canvas
  • Click Canvas Login
  • In the first box type your email address (Your email address is your NetID followed by  example:
  • In the second box type your password.

Faculty and staff use their MCC NetID to access Canvas.  This is the same ID that you use to access Outlook Email, Office 365, and the "mccstaff" wireless network.  It has the format of first initial, last name such as

If you do not know your MCC NetID or password, please call the Help Desk at 732-906-4251.

After you have created your course be sure to publish it.  If a course is NOT published, instructors cannot send messages (may see an invalid recipient’s error). Once a course is published, messages can be sent through the Inbox and Announcements.  Also, students will not see assignments or course work until the course is published.

Note: Canvas allows messaging between members of a course.(not to anyone outside of the course)  It does not contain an email system.  The official email of Middlesex County College is Outlook email.

Request Assistance

If you need assistance with logging in to Canvas please contact the IT Help Desk at (732) 906-4251 or visit us in Johnson Learning Center room 201 on the Edison campus.

If you need assistance with a feature in a particular course in Canvas please contact your professor directly.  

For other assistance with Canvas, contact the eLearning department at 732-906-2514 or