Sharing files and folders through OneDrive


OneDrive-Middlesex County College allows you to access College files from anywhere.  It is cloud storage on the Microsoft Cloud.  

OneDrive allows you to share data with other users within the MCC cloud.


To Share a file or folder:

  • Click on "Private" in the Sharing column of the fileor folder that you want to share.
  • Click on "Manage access"
  • Click on "Grant Access"


  • Enter/Select the names of the people you want to grant access to.  Note: they must have an MCC email address.
  • Choose "Can Edit" or "Can View" from the drop down.
  • Click "Share".

Request Assistance

If you need assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk at (732) 906-4251 or visit us in Johnson Learning Center room 201 on the Edison campus.